lunes, 6 de agosto de 2007



Here I'm in recording our podcast with my girfriend and his sister you can listen to us here.....

lunes, 2 de julio de 2007

my top 10 "my favorite movies"

1._ The profesional
2._ American pie
3._ Scary movie
4._ The texas Chainsaw massacre
5._ Saw
6._ 28 days later
7._ Apocalypto
8._ Matrix
9._ Ciudad de Dios
10._Pirates of caribbean
My favorite movie of this list is scary movie because in this film make jok´s about the others movies and this is son fun...

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2007

About me

Hi, my name's Keiron Castellanos but everybody calls me "Crask".
I'm from San Cristobal, I'm 20 years old an i study Graphic Desing at URBE.

I love my girlfriend lory, graffiti art, the hip-hop, my family.

I hate the hit, the vegetables, the violence.

My dream is Graduate from Graphic Desing later is to travel to Europe and Continue studing, make a postgrade about my carrer, and create my company of desing.

About English I think the english is a language very important, because much people on the world used this language, but i need practice more, speciality the speaking.


Hello, people!

Welcome to my blogspot of English Class.
Here you can read about me and you can find pics
about my resents artwork.